QTS Data Centers & Avicado: Improving Data Quality and Efficiency with e-Builder

Learn how Avicado helped QTS Data Centers improve data quality and streamline operational processes with e-Builder.

About QTS Data Centers

QTS Data Centers (QTS) is a leading provider of data center solutions across a diverse footprint with over two gigawatts of critical power capacity under customer contract in North America and Europe. Through its software-defined technology platform, QTS delivers secure, compliant infrastructure solutions, robust connectivity and premium customer service to leading hyperscale technology companies, enterprises, and government entities. QTS is a Blackstone portfolio company.

Before Avicado

QTS had been using e-Builder, but knew there was room for improvement in utilization, processes, and data quality.

  • Reporting was time-consuming
  • Hard to find information due to de-centralized documentation
  • Losing time due to double data entry
  • Inconsistent data between systems

When faced with unprecedented growth that highlighted the need for more structure, QTS quickly recognized they needed help building out defined processes, improving efficiency, and getting better visibility into their data.

The Avicado Effect

QTS chose Avicado to help because of our decades of combined e-Builder expertise and our reputation for delivering high-quality work and creative solutions. We quickly got to work understanding QTS’s business needs and how we could improve utilization, save time, and provide more reliable data across systems.

Use Cases

Here are a few examples of how Avicado helped QTS optimize their use of e-Builder:

  • Created e-Builder processes related to managing budgets, commitments, and invoices. This helped encourage utilization of e-Builder, created a centralized place for documents to live, and saved time.
  • Implemented the e-Builder Docusign feature. Previously, handling change orders and new contracts was a cumbersome process that required documentation to be produced in Docusign, Workday, and e-Builder – leading to redundant and time consuming efforts.
  • Expanded e-Builder and Workday integration to include an additional data set – getting more data consistency between systems.
  • Created custom reports and dashboards that saved time and allowed QTS to present a more refined and comprehensive view to their executives – empowering them to make more informed decisions.

The Importance of Data Quality and Accessibility

QTS has always placed high importance on data quality and accessibility, but generating multiple reports was a time-consuming, cumbersome process that required manual manipulation and left room for human error. Knowing they had room to grow, they asked Avicado’s Business Intelligence experts to help improve data quality and create custom dashboards that could provide reliable insights at a glance. The results were 9 Tableau dashboards that became QTS’s source of truth for cost, schedule, quality, and safety info – pulling data from e-Builder, Workday, and SmartSheet.

Pulling reports used to be a time-consuming, manual process. Avicado made this a breeze by creating structured exports in Tableau. Now, with just a click of a button reports can be exported in exactly the format they want – eliminating hours of manual Excel manipulation and formatting.

This also results in more reliable data since it comes directly from the source and eliminates the chance of human error. This has not only saved QTS significant manual labor hours, but has given them more confidence in the data they present to their executives and the decisions being made.

Why QTS + Avicado?

The partnership between QTS Data Centers and Avicado has proven instrumental in transforming and optimizing QTS’s data management and operational processes. Avicado’s creative solutions such as creating e-Builder processes, implementing Docusign features, integrating systems, and developing custom reports and dashboards, have not only streamlined operations but also paved the way for significant time savings. This collaborative effort has not only positioned QTS for growth but has also instilled confidence in the accuracy of data presented to their executives.

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