Helping Construction Owners Leverage their Data

The Data Science team at Avicado helps construction owners leverage their data by providing data solutions that answer the big question, “how are our capital projects performing?”.

Data Solutions Tailored to Your Needs

Captial construction programs are large, complex, and can be hard to manage. We offer the tools and support to make tracking your capital programs less painful and more efficient through the use of: 

  • Dashboards

  • Data Visualization

  • Custom SQL Scripts

  • Process Automation

  • Creating Data Centric Culture

  • Building a Reporting Ecosystem

Data Driven Insights

Avicado’s Data Science team will help you unlock the full potential of one of your most valuable assets – your data. With the expertise of our team, we can help you take the reins on your data by going from spreadsheets to spreading insights. 

Check out these Tableau® dashboards for a sample of what we can do for you.

Tableau® dashboards samples are available on desktop and tablet views for a sample of what we can do for you.

Say goodbye to dashBORING!

Your Trusted Data Partner

Avicado helps your company make data-driven decisions in an efficient way, from the project controls analyst looking for detailed financial information to the Global construction director who wants to track Overall Program KPIs, we work with your teams to discover the best solutions for your business needs including but not limited to:

Data Visualization and Dashboarding

People process visual information 60,000 times faster than text. Visualized data is not only more appealing to look at, but also vastly more efficient. Our Data Science team can help visualize your data through dashboards built to answer your unique business questions.

Process Automation

Repeating workflows by hand on a regular basis allows more room for error and consumes valuable work time. Let us automate your Excel, financial month-end, and other processes, freeing up hours for other projects. We can evaluate your company’s current process and propose and deliver a working solution for you.

Data Sounding Board for PMIS Systems

The Data Science team has worked with a variety of PMIS systems including e-Builder, Procore, BIM360, Textura, and a variety of data warehouse solutions and APIs. We can act as a thought partner for data inquiries and offer custom solutions and best practices relevant to your business.

Building a reporting ecosystem

Many companies are still learning the best way to use their data and how to integrate it into day-to-day work. Whether you are starting from a group of Excel files to getting your first Tableau license, the Data Science team can assist with creating strategies to develop a robust reporting ecosystem and data-centric culture no matter the experience level.

Unlock the full potential of one of your most valuable assets – your capital program data